Well, it's time to update, and I have a bit of writer's block going tonight. I think it's because I was up about every hour or two last night. I think it was mostly Taylor (my tired brain doesn't track details well), and I don't know why he was up, but it didn't seem to be anything traumatic or I would've remembered (we hope!). Jeremy woke up this morning oblivious to the night we'd had...or so he thought. When he woke up, the first thing he said is, "Why do I feel so tired??" So today's been a slower day for us, but not that abnormal. That's life with toddlers, I guess. Not that we're complaining. Our boys are so much fun!
The kids and I went on a "walk" today, as we often do when it's not raining. Taylor rides his tricycle (with a lot of pushing help on the uphill) and Aric says "wunn fasss, wunn fasss!!" (Run fast). He always manages to somehow escape my death-grip on his hand and then he runs gleefully down the sidewalk, making me run to catch him. He doesn't do well with following directions - he grins impishly (see previous post for an example) and does the opposite of what we've asked. It certainly keeps us on our toes.
Taylor and I went and "previewed" a preschool today. We haven't yet decided whether or not to send Taylor to preschool next year, but it was fun to "check it out." Taylor was VERY shy during our visit and informed me as we left that he was too shy because he was too little, and he'd go to preschool once he was a bigger boy. Right after that, the two of us bought some new letter and number books to work through at home, and then for the ENTIRE afternoon (excepting the walk), we worked through them. It's fun to be in learning mode (when it happens).
Since I've chosen to write on a scatterbrained night, we're headed back to the subject of the walk. Bear with me as I hop around. :-) Aric discovered dandelion fuzz today, and boy, was he excited!! He poked at it with one finger, then GIGGLED as a few pieces of fluff drifted away. Then he poked a little more adamantly, laughed some more, and then hit the rest of the fuzz of with an exuberant slap! It was a lot of fun. Jeremy and I are looking forward to this summer with the boys a lot. They are both at really fun ages where we can get out and enjoy nature a little bit and enjoy the boys' sense of discovery. Jeremy is planning to take Taylor on a "
Just Me and My Dad" camping trip this summer. (If you've never seen the Mercer Mayer book, you are missing out!) I'm a little jealous - I think it will be incredibly fun! I'm sure we'll do lots of "whole family" trips and fun days this summer, so I can't feel too left out. :-)
We should have plenty of time to do family fun things, because Jeremy isn't working much. It's been a few weeks since he's gone to work, which is pretty normal for this time of year, but it always takes a little adjusting. He keeps busy at home working on his current Volkswagen Bus restoration (it's another Westfalia camper). He's doing an excellent job, and will hopefully be able to finish it early this summer (it would be a blast to take the family to a drive-in movie on classic VW night, which is usually in June). He's
PLANNING on finishing it by fall, so we'll see how it goes. :-)
Speaking of Jeremy, he is going down to Oakland for (we think) his last Reserve time at the end of the month. I'm hoping to have some combination of parents/in-laws come out to keep me and the boys company. That should be fun!
I'm slowing down, so I think I'll call it a night. I've got plenty more to write about another time. Take care. Love you all!