Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Quick Updates

1) We went to the zoo yesterday

Jeremy was out of town for a few days, so the boys and I went to the zoo yesterday with our good buddy Xander and his family. We had a blast. Of course, I never got around to taking any pictures of everyone together, but here are a few cool ones of the boys and an alligator.

2) Haircuts

Last week, all the boys went to a barber and got haircuts. It was Aric's first REAL haircut! I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures of him in "THE chair," but here's a picture of his curls - now they are gone. He looks pretty much the same from the front, but very different from the back. His side profile looks quite a bit more grown up now.

3) Bunk Beds!

The boys finally got a bunkbed. It's set up in their room, but doesn't have the top matress in until we get a side rail built, since it didn't come with one and Taylor is a VERY active sleeper who occasionally rolls off his bed. We'll get some pics up soon. Aric was unhappy to hear he was getting a new bed. When I told him it was coming, he said, "No want to." I asked why, and he said, "Need my crib!" Then he started to cry. We felt sorry for him until evening came, when he cried again because he WANTED to sleep on the bunkbed and we wouldn't let him (Taylor's on the bottom until we get the top matress set up).

4) Our camping trip

All four of us went camping last weekend at a great little campground near the Oregon coast. We spent the night in our TINY tent, and everyone managed to least a little. Jeremy had a harder time than the rest of us, but the boys did excellent! We had fun "fishing" and throwing rocks in the lake, and in the morning we took a walk around the lake. We tried to catch some salamanders or newts (not sure what they were), but didn't succeed. After breaking camp, we drove to the top of Mt. Hebo to catch the view, but got caught between two layers of fog. On the way down the mountain road, the boys both nodded off, so we pulled off and we all took a nap. That helped the rest of the day to go very smoothly. We drove down to Lincoln City and went to Siletz Bay Wayside. We flew kites, found seashells and rocks, threw rocks in the surf, and built sandcastles. It was a great day! When it was nap time, we loaded up and headed home. It was a perfect mini-vacation.

We had a fun week last week with Jeremy being home on comp time. He got another upriver trip, but thankfully it was a short one, and he got home last night! He should have the rest of the week off because of comp time, so hopefully we'll be able to get some projects / chores done around our home.

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