Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. The boys and I all struggled with being sick for a number of days, so we stayed at the apartment and out of everyone's way. We are all better now and we've been to the house recently, so here are some new pictures:

Our kitchen is coming together beautifully. I love the flooring and I love how it goes with our cabinetry. I also love the countertops Jeremy scored - we were planning on going with something lighter than this, but he got a great deal and they match everything else really well.

Here is a pic of our two carpet choices. The frieze in the front is what we did throughout the carpeted areas, and the "moon rock gray" in the two rooms behind is the lower-grade carpet we decided to put in the kids' rooms for right now. We're not completely trusting that the basement will never leak again (although it certainly shouldn't after the work that's gone into keeping it dry), so we didn't want to waste nice carpeting should it ever have a moisture problem. The boys really liked the gray carpet and it didn't cost much for now, so if we should ever have to replace it, it won't be such a big deal.

This is our laminate floor choice. It should compliment the kitchen cabinets beautifully. Jeremy, being ever ambitious, decided to lay it on the diagonal, so it's become quite a large project. However, after working on it all day yesterday (this picture was taken two days ago), he's gotten all of the living room and most of the dining room laid. He's hoping to take it down the hallway today, and then all of our flooring (except trim pieces) will be in. It looks great!

The boys are pretty excited to be moving in!!! Actually, in this picture, they're pretty excited that Grandpa has let them play in the back of his truck. He came back out on Sunday and he and Grandma are being so incredibly helpful! There's no way we could be ready to move in without all their help and we are thankful!

And finally, here's one last tribute to the T-Ball season. Here are the "spectators" at Taylor's last game. Aric saw a picture of me on the computer and said, "Look, Mom. There's a picture of you when you didn't have Ascha in your tummy... You were skinny!" Hopefully this is about the last picture I'll have taken with Ascha in my tummy...we're one week away from her due date today. We hope she stays put until the 25th so we can get things squared away with the house, but part of me is definitely ready to have her out.
Your house is looking so nice!! Great work Jeremy. Can't wait to meet Ascha...well we can wait till the 25th I guess, just so you have time to do all your house stuff =).
It all looks great I especially like the beautiful kitchen! Sarah you and Ascha are beautiful too :)
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