Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Post-Fort Stevens Lego Creations (or Re-Creations)

Maybe it's just because I'm an overly proud mom, but I was impressed by the quality of the boys' original creations inspired by our trip to Fort Stevens. (I was also impressed by the number of hours they spent holed up in their rooms working.) Note the center cannon, mounted on a working "disappearing carriage," just like at Fort Stevens. As usual, each layer has specific rooms and hidden details. This battery is by far my favorite of their creations thus far. Their attention to historical detail was impeccable (as much as possible given the limitations of the pieces they had on hand). OK, OK, enough gushing. We all know they're geniuses already, right?

Here is their rendition of the "Japanese submarine." This was more of a stretch because of the pieces they had, but they did the best they could at replicating the features of the sub which fired upon the Oregon Coast during WWII. Pretty cool, right?

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