Wednesday, December 29, 2010

September Fun, Part 4 - Harvest Festival, Pearson Air Museum, and Fort Vancouver

(...yes, all in one day!)

We went to a harvest festival where we decorated three pumpkins and made a scarecrow. I got a lot of stares and smiles as I carried said items in the baby backpack and herded the three kiddos back to our car. (I was even informed our towering scarecrow had frightened an alpaca!)

Then, we went to Pearson Air Museum (hooray for free museum day!) and toured Fort Vancouver (hooray for free public lands day!). Of course, we couldn't let ourselves leave without walking over the land bridge and strolling along the Columbia River. My kids pretty much collapsed with exhaustion when we got home after about 8 hours away.

What a great day!

1 comment:

Julie said...

You're such a good mom. I bet you slept well that night, too!